Hundred Acre Ancient Way Deep Time 2010
CHF 880.00
CULTWEINE istย Generalimporteur Europa fรผr Hundred Acre
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Robert Parker Rating |
96+ Parker Points Rating 96+ Drink Date 2018 – 2045 Reviewed by Lisa Perrotti-Brown Issue Date 7th Dec 2018 Source Interim December 2018 Week 1, The Wine Advocate This wine spent a staggering seven years in barrel and is still as bright as a shiny new dime! Made from 100% Shiraz, the deep garnet colored 2010 Ancient Way Vineyard Deep Time delivers provocative savory notes of smoked meats, tapenade and cracked black pepper over a core of Black Forest cake and blackberry pie with hints of preserved plums, licorice and potpourri plus a waft of garrigue. Full-bodied, concentrated and packed with spicy black fruit layers, the palate features a beautifully plush texture and seamless freshness, finishing with incredible length and depth. |
Kriterium | |
Lagerbestand |
Einzelne Flaschen sind nur in unserer Boutique zur Kanne erhรคltlich! |
Australia, Barossa Valley |
Shiraz |
Jayson Woodbridge |
60 Monate in neuen franzรถsischen Eichenbarriques |
Intensive dunkle purpurrote Farbe, Viskositรคt รถlig |
Deep Time ist einzigartig! Reinheit und Ausgewogenheit herrschen รผber diesen monolithischen Wein. Komplex und vielschichtig im Gaumen mit einem unglaublichen aromatisch, eleganten und extrem lang anhaltenden Abgang. "Phenomenal" Robert Parker |
750 ml |
15,5% |
2010 |